I recently heard wonderful news that two dear friends of mine have decided to take the plunge and get engaged. I am incredibly happy for them (although I will never understand the whole idea of getting married before even having a clue how you plan to support yourself…this is none of my business of course). I am still very happy for them and thought maybe I will be able to say that I’ve been a bridesmaid…because I’ve never been one. The prospect of this left me feeling giddy, an emotion I don’t generally feel overwhelmed by. But, because there is always a but, I started to think about my own romantic relationships (really it’s a lack thereof).
About a week ago my own mother happened to pull me aside and say that I have no real communication skills with the opposite sex. She told me that she had watched and noticed that I was incredibly kind to them, held a conversation well and never crossed any boundaries (which is exactly my problem) but I never showed any body language that showed I was interested in them. There have been plenty of times people decide to inform me that strangers are “checking me out”. I seem to be in a haze all the time and apparently have no idea what “checking” someone out is or knowing how to identify being checked out. I’ve been aware that I am a complete idiot in this regard but have no idea how to go about showing interest. I’m incredibly slow, it takes days before a light bulb goes on and I realize that guys even wanted to talk to me.
So, my mom expressed great concern that I may never even get married. Dun, Dun, Dun…..I had at first laughed it off just like I laughed off my horrible Christmas break that seemed to be teeming with this very issue. Grandparents, my parents friends, and then even my own father bombarded me with comments that were supposed to encourage me to “keep looking”, “someone great is out there for you” and the like. I had never been worried or honestly even cared until we were driving back home after visiting the third relative that had mentioned something and then my own father chimed in with them (talk about embarrassing). I wanted to keep living and act as if it had never happened but I haven’t been able to. It haunts me that one day I’ll have accomplished all of these wonderful educational and career related goals and then have no one to “share” it with.
This leads me into my awkward, backwards, stumbled upon, supposed flirting. It always seems like an act where I’m just waiting for someone to call cut because the stage lights are making me break out into a sweat. It’s never easy for me. I have no issues with myself; I just never know what to say to people. It seems to me like if I were to really try and turn the charm or sex appeal on people would just sputter and chuckle spitting all of their drink out like kids do. I honestly don’t think I would be able to keep a straight face as well. When friends began telling me that men were never aware of my liking them I started to take a new approach by just saying it (haha I’ve always been known for being blunt…mostly just because it’s easier than dancing around the subject) Yeah, that didn’t work either. For some reason just saying, “hey, I’m interested in you” or “hey, I like you” makes men run for the hills. (Shit if only those notes passed in first grade would work in the real world. I’m a huge fan of the note where you check if you want to be friends or date or what have you…kids are brilliant)
So, I’m left wondering how or if I should attempt to even adapt or if somewhere along the line someone will just understand that I’m an idiot. At this point it looks as if I’m going to be a crazy cat lady for the rest of my life. Just keep your fingers crossed that I don’t become so insane that I start hurling my dozens of cats at people. (Oh, and I don’t actually have cats in case you’re wondering.)