I find it rather odd when you take a second to notice how everyone else around you has decided to carry on their lives for the last few months or years. College has done a funny thing to me; it is supposed to make you a more “well-rounded” individual. In some ways I do agree with that statement and in others I really wonder if I am missing out on much more. I went home this weekend to spend some time with my family for fall break and without planning to do so; I realized that everyone around me have changed.
I spent some time with my dad and honestly felt rather worried. He is incredibly forgetful, to the extent that someone needs to say something. I have noticed this trend of forgetfulness honestly since the day I first packed my shit and went to college but it is becoming noticeable and quite frightening. No one, and I mean no one takes me seriously. He has also left his post as the strongest, most valiant, and smartest male in my life….not that he has been replaced but he has shriveled to an older, more feeble version of himself. What strikes fear into me is that although he has lived a rather physical life he has mainly taxed his brain, almost on an hourly basis. I worry that I too am choosing a field that may potentially cause premature aging and forgetfulness due to the stress it entails. Mainly, this whole weekend has been eye-opening and sad. What am I to do when one of the only people in this world that understands me is shrinking physically as well as mentally right before my eyes? It has been too much to take.
I decided to spend time with my best friend from high school, and although I hate to admit it I had a small tinge of jealousy towards her. She has failed out of multiple universities, has no real academic plans, and answers phones for 8$ an hour. Why am I envious? Because in any other aspect she has her shit together, she discussed her relationship with a male (who already has a child from a previous relationship) that she will most likely get married to. It sounded like a lovely relationship….and then I met him and knew that that was exactly what it was. It wasn’t a pseud. I’m 100% happy for my friend and told her to roll with whatever happened with all of this but that I better look damn good standing in line at her wedding. I just couldn’t help wondering wtf is wrong with me? Why have I never had a real relationship? I’ve begun to realize that some of these middle of the road average people are finding happiness, and I’m left saying to myself “ you’ll be happy just get through this semester/year/class/hour/etc.” . I’m beginning to think that those people that take a break right before college or right before graduate school are a whole hell of a lot smarter than me. I would love to be a secretary for $8 an hour…..I have problems.
Then while my friend and I checked out some groceries at the local super market I noticed a girl that we had both gone to school with next in line. Her stomach grazed the spinning counter as she heaved groceries onto it. I too felt as if I might heave. That’s right she was pregnant….so I couldn’t just feel jealous that my friend was apparently moving on and probably getting married. Oh no, I had to see the whole marriage and a baby carriage bull shit in one afternoon. It’s is not that I want to be married or have kids or any of that I just wonder if one day I will wake up and say, “fuck they chose the right path”.
Then I spent some time with my brother, who I am happy to say has grown up a ton. He is far more compassionate towards others and may have his giant head a little closer to earth. (Thank god!) He has had a busy fall participating in multiple high school sports which makes me proud because I worried that he had absolutely zero initiative. Ends up I was majorly wrong, which makes me incredibly happy. Since I’m on this whole being honest jag I guess I will admit that coming home just isn’t the same anymore. I love my brother, and the rest of my family but I feel a disconnect from them when I do come home. They have a bunch of inside jokes and my brother has comfortably taken the royal seat. Oh, did I forget to mention that the sun rises and sets on him?
I’m an outsider in their home. It’s interesting to reflect on this because I remember when I first felt this way, the first time I returned from college. I was dejected, upset, and lost. When I felt that this time I realized that it was because I had actually made connections at college, I missed them and the ordinariness that is my life. I like having a routine, eating the same things every day at the school store (because there is nothing else to eat on campus!....and by all means I will NOT lose that awesome parking spot). I like being myself and reading magazines that my parents may not think highly of….I guess I’m branching out and finding what makes me truly content instead of following what others have told me will make me happy.
I’m not sure where I was going with any of this…. Maybe if I reflect on it for a few days I may be able to draw some sort of meaning behind all of this rambling I just took part in. Until then, I got nothin’.