Saturday, October 22, 2011

Lost in a Sea of Sleep

I have slept ungodly amounts for the past three days. I’m not exactly sure why either, I’ve just been  much happier staying in bed.  School blows, I’m beginning to wish that I had some sort of social life of some kind. So instead of bitching about it I’ve gone out a couple times this week  to attempt socializing with others of my same species…weird right? I had a visitor come to my house too! He stayed for a long time….and my tongue was kind of tired when he left. Hint, Hint I had a good time hahah. Unfortunately, I’m sure he will just return to his ex-girlfriend which is cool, whatever. It would be cool if I cared but my soul is sort of a black hole anymore.
I’m still really happy, a little stressed about the remaining weeks of the semester but I’m still having a pretty good time. So, I guess I have no real complaints. Odd….the planet must be off kilter cause that’s not right. J
I took a practice entrance exam today and about pissed myself. Shit, it was hard and my score certainly reflected that! I have a lot of work to do to prepare for applying this year….if that is what I choose to do. Hmm…well I’m going to go take a nap. Didn’t see that one coming now did ya?

p.s. I realize that my writing skills really blow right now, unfortunately you are not going to see a change in them for a get used to how shitty this is.

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